Basecamp: Inverness, Scotland

Trail Resume: Coast-to-Coast across Scotland twice and currently bagging Scottish Munros (peaks over 3,000 feet)

What It Means to Me to #takelessdomore: Getting outside more, taking less from the environment, and making the most of my free time around having a full-time job. I need all the energy I can get to pack my adventures into the weekends!

How I Got Into Ultralight Hiking: I’ve always loved being outdoors, but stepped it up about three years ago. I needed to get fit, gain some confidence, and change my lifestyle. Getting into the mountains and meeting awesome people helped me do that and I haven’t stopped since! 

Favorite Gossamer Gear Product: I love the Gorilla backpack the most! It carries everything I need for multiday hikes and it is so comfortable and light. I love that big pocket on the front for stuffing all my favorite snacks in at the last minute.

Favorite Trail (so far!): I love hiking in Scotland, and recently I’ve been hiking in the Cairngorms. The trails there are amazing and the sense of space is incredible.

Dream Trip: I was supposed to take on the Pacific Crest Trail, a long-held ambition of mine, but thanks to COVID, I’m well and truly grounded. You can read more about that on the Light Feet blog

Organizations I Support: In Scotland there is a charity organization called the John Muir Trust. They own wild land and manage it for the future. They lead work parties and conservation weekends to look after the trails and land that they own. Find out more here.

Follow along with Sally via her blog and Instagram!

February 15, 2021 — Gossamer Gear