Glen and friends hike the PCT
John Potter has been a Gossamer Gear customer since the early GVP Gear days. He is an inveterate tinkerer (he's a civil engineer like Glen… well, like Glen only smarter), and an ultralight evangelist, always taking people out on the trails to show them the light. Well, John lives in the south, and was planning a trip to California, so Glen put together a quick trip along the PCT to show off some of the local backpacking. Glen picked Section C, from Big Bear south (downhill) to the I-10 freeway, to show off the number of habitat zones you could travel through in Southern California. Plus, it was close, so it was easy for a quick getaway. Glen's longtime buddy and ultralight mentor Read Miller never needs an excuse to hit the trail, so he joined in. Read more, see the pics and check out Glen's gear list…