Lightweight Backpacking Demonstration
If you've ever been backpacking, you've probably heard people boast that their pack weighs 50 or 60 lbs. Those days are over. With a little knowledge and careful gear selection, it is possible for anyone to reduce their pack weight to a comfortable 20 or 25 lbs, even for a multi-day trip. By carrying less weight in your pack, you can hike further, see more, experience less fatigue, and prevent injuries. During this day hike and demonstration, Philip Werner will discuss a number of different strategies for reducing your gear weight and demonstrate some of the cutting edge gear used by lightweight and ultralight hikers, including products from leading manufacturers that are leaders in the lightweight backpacking revolution.
Sponsored by the New York-New Jersey Chapter of the Appalachian Mountain Club, participants will day hike in Harriman Park (6-7 miles) and each participant will get the chance to carry Leader's fully-packed pack (approximately 25lbs. including food and water) to see how it feels. We'll also set up camp, review L's gear, and cook a typical camp dinner (under a large tarp in case of rain). Info on where to buy lightweight gear will be provided. Note that this is a day hike; we will not be sleeping outside. Hike will be accessible by public transportation from NYC. $5 non-refundable registration fee.
Update: Offer expired