Pacific Crest Trail Days 2013
PCT Trail Days Event Schedule
Gossamer Gear will be attending Pacific Crest Trail Days at Thunder Island, Cascade Locks, Oregon on September 6-8, 2013.
Trail Ambassador Whitney LaRuffa is a featured speaker and will be giving a talk about Hiking with Dogs, on Saturday September 7th, from 11:30 am - 12:30 pm. Whitney and Karluck, his lab-mix, will discuss and demonstrate ultralight hiking techniques for dogs and how to reduce or eliminate conflicts with un-dog friendly hikers and dog owners.
Later, come visit the Outdoor Recreation Gear Fair where you can try on Gossamer Gear backpacks at the ALDHA-West booth and talk to Whitney one-on-one. We'll be offering a Super Special Show Discount (limit one per customer), so make sure you come on over for your personal backpack fitting.
Cascade Locks, Oregon is 42 miles east of Portland and 20 miles west of Hood River and is located just off I-84. From I-84, take the Cascade Locks exit, Thunder Island/Marine Park is a left just off of WaNaPa (Main) Street. Parking at the event site is free.
Admission and Camping are FREE!
Update: Event expired