Backpacking with Trail Ambassadors in New Hampshire

Have you ever wanted to go backpacking in New Hampshire's White Mountains in Autumn? If so, two of our Trail Ambassadors, Julie LePage and Philip Werner are seasoned volunteer trip leaders with the Appalachian Mountain Club and lead trips year-round which are open to club members and non-members alike.
This September, Julie and Philip will be leading trips to two of the more remote and less crowded areas of New Hampshire, the Killkenny Range/Nash Stream Forest and the Wild River Wilderness/Baldface Range.
Please register at the links provided if you are interested in signing up for one of these trips.
Cohos Trail Hike Series, Section 4 Leaders: Julie LePage, Joyce Horrigan, Michael Swartz, Christine Platzek Fri-Sun, Sept 20-22, 2013 AMC Boston HIking/Backpacking Committee Cost: $30 car camping, 2 nights
Update: Event expired
Section hike the Cohos Trail; a relatively new,162 mi hiking trail system that runs through unexplored territory between Bartlet, NH and southern border of Canada. We'll be hiking each of the nine sections over a series of weekends, traveling from the southern end to the north terminus - a passport is not needed, just your sense of adventure. Join us for the whole series, or for just a single section.
For this 4th section of the Cohos Trail, we'll day hike 2 full days along Kilkenny Ridge and within the Nash Stream Forest. On Saturday we'll hike the Unknown Pond Trail (west side) and visit the Roger's Ledge for the fine views, the Devil's Hopyard; a rocky ice gulch similar to the infamous Mahoosuc Notch in ME, ending at the South Pond Recreation area. On Day 2 we'll hike within the Nash Stream Forest up and over Mt. Bald, Victor Head Cliff, and enjoy the fine views from the top of the steep, granite slabs of the Percy Peaks (Day 1: 10.5 mi, 2500ft elevation gain. Day 2: 12.2 mi, 3600ft elevation gain).
Prior experience hiking similar terrain/milage required. We will car camp Fri & Sat nights in the Berlin/Milan, NH area. Be one of the first to hike this rugged new trail system!
Wild River Wilderness and Baldface Range Loop Leaders: Philip Werner, Stephen Conlin Fri-Sun, Sept 20-22, 2013 AMC Boston HIking/Backpacking Committee Cost: Free
Update: Event expired
Enjoy cool autumn weather far from the crowds in the Wild River Wilderness and hike the above-tree-line sections of the Baldface Range along the Basin Rim, Meader Ridge and Bicknell Ridge Trails. Includes 2 nights of backcountry, stealth-style camping. Moderate hiking mileage each day totals 37 miles over three days, with 10,000 feet of elevation gain. Experienced backpackers welcome.