Modern Families Outdoors with Kids
Our youth live in a world of digital distraction. When they are not busy completing increasing amounts of homework and being shuttled to and fro from various extracurricular activities, they are watching television, texting friends, gaming, or updating their social media accounts. Gone are the days when kids went outside after school and didn't come home until sunset. YouTube, Facebook, Pinterest, and Reddit are the new – and exclusively indoor–ways to explore and connect. The parents of this new generation have little time to take their kids outside and away from it all. Late hours at work, second jobs, and household chores keep many a parent from spending that all-important quality time with their daughters and sons.
As important as electronic technology can be, and as prevalent as it is and will remain, connecting with the outdoors and with each other in a natural, electronics-free setting is vital to the health and sanity of our families. Children who spend a significant amount of time out-of-doors are less likely to become obese, they have reduced levels of psychological stress, they are more creative, they have longer attention spans, and they are in greater overall physical health than children who spend most of their time indoors.

This is one of the reasons why I make it a priority to spend at least half a day during the week, and a few uninterrupted weeks during the summer, outside with my daughters. Over the years, our outdoor wanderings have progressed from short local treks to day hikes of New Hampshire's White Mountains, ascents of 44 state highpoints, and thru-hikes of Spain's Camino de Santiago and California's John Muir Trail. This time spent out-of-doors enables my daughters to appreciate nature and to connect with one another. It's also a relatively inexpensive way to spend a vacation, since, once you have the gear and a way to get to the trailhead, there's little on which to spend your money.
Backpacking trips can be as intense or as relaxed, and as close-to-home or as far away, as you and your kids prefer. That's one of the beauties of backpacking – the trip can be tailored to your family's desires. Do you have kids who aren't sure about roughing it? Try a two-day excursion in your closest National Park or Forest. Are your kids always up for an adventure? Plan something for a week or more. Call the National Park or Forest of interest and ask what they'd recommend for a backpacking trip of a certain length, and let them know of your kids' ages and level of hiking experience.

Alex, Trish, and Sage Atop Forester Pass- John Muir Trail
No matter where or how long the backpacking trip, there are essential pieces of gear you and your children must wear or carry. A tent, proper clothing (synthetic base layers, insulating fleece, and waterproof jackets/pants), hats and gloves, sunscreen, bug repellant, food (in a bear canister or bag), water, hiking water filters, sleeping bags, and sleeping pads are all necessary – and you, the adult, will need to shoulder most of the weight. Thankfully, many companies sell ultralight and durable versions of sleeping bags and tents, so your packs need not weigh a ton.
Pack choice is of utmost importance. My daughters and I switched to Gossamer Gear backpacks last summer for our John Muir Trail trek, and it was one of the best gear decisions I have ever made. I am a stickler about keeping each of my daughter's backpack burden to no more than 10% of their weight, as I don't want either of them to develop spinal problems as they grow. This used to mean I'd have to carry 25-35% of my own body weight, since most of their gear would have to go into my pack. Our switch to Gossamer Gear made it possible for both the girls to carry all their own belongings except food and our (ultralight) tent, and my pack, fully loaded with all my own gear, the tent, water, first aid kit, etc., and our full bear canister only weighed between 30 and 35 pounds. The girls used Quiksaks and carried no more than 8 pounds total, and I used a Gorilla. Those packs ensured an enjoyable trek through the High Sierras. I guarantee that if you are carrying too much weight and your back is hurting 'round the clock, neither you (nor your kids) will enjoy your outdoor vacation. I'd therefore highly recommend the Gossamer Gear packs – thanks to them, we felt light on our feet while hiking the 216-mile John Muir Trail.

Alex and Sage sport their Gossamer Gear Quicksaks on the John Muir Trail
Apart from gear and length of journey, details matter. My girls love playing cards each night in our tents, and, when local fire restrictions allow, they enjoy a campfire. My oldest daughter and I can go for weeks without hot food, but my younger daughter wants a cooked meal every night (we went without a camp stove on the JMT, and she therefore did not enjoy the trek as much as she would have otherwise). Views also matter. My girls love to be above treeline. They enjoy walking through the woods, as long as there's a view payoff at some point. They prefer mountaintops to waterfalls, and they dislike overly buggy areas. If possible, choose an area/time of year where you can make your family's ideal conditions come true. And bring a deck of cards.
Backing comes with a feeling of freedom and spontaneity – one can, after all, stop at whatever camping spot one desires, eat meals when one wishes, and sleep whenever the yawns overtake you. There are, however, two rules that must not be broken. One – camp only where allowed as dictated by park/forest rules and regulations (and never, if possible, on vegetation). Two – keep all food, lotions, and toothpaste away from your tent. We eat, outside, in our hiking clothes, then we change into sleep-only clothes for the evening. As the parent, you must make sure your child does not have chocolate-smears, etc. on his or her face before changing into the pjs – no one wants a bear sticking their fuzzy face into the tent at midnight. Don't cook anywhere near your sleeping quarters, either. Your tent and sleeping area should smell like nothing but dirty, sweaty humans.

One last word of advice – embrace that dirt and sweat. It'll be almost impossible to stay clean if you're out there for more than a couple of days. Besides having hand sanitizer for before meals and after using the bathroom, don't worry too much about cleanliness. For my girls, that's part of the fun. They love going days without a shower (when we camp… at home, they like to be clean). They find it interesting to see just how dirty they can get without even trying.
If you haven't yet tried backpacking with your kids, then give it a whirl this summer. Choose a destination you think everyone will enjoy, with a variety of trails and plenty of camping opportunities. Surf the internet for deals on ultralight gear, or ask your hiker friends if you can borrow a few items. Definitely invest in lightweight kids backpacks – they're affordable, durable, and they'll keep your back happy during your entire trip. Most importantly – have fun, and don't be afraid to let your kids get dirty. Hopefully, your family will want to repeat the experience. At the very least, you'll create memories with your children that will last their entire lifetimes.

This post was contributed by Gossamer Gear customer Patricia Ellis Herr
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