Lightweight Scouting in North Carolina
Scouts at Philmont
Trail Ambassador Joe Jacaruso will be giving a series of talks on how to prepare for Philmont, backpacking skills and lightweight backpacking this September and October at several Scouting events in North Carolina. A veteran Appalachian Trail thru-hiker as well as a Scoutmaster, Joe gives frequent talks and gear demonstrations to scouting troops throughout the region that are interested in lightweight backpacking, high adventure preparation, and developing backpacking programs.
9/7/2013: Requirements for Backpacking and Camping Merit Badges. Full one day class sponsored by Troop 1, Burlington, North Carolina. Participants will develop a plan for a backpacking outing involving two nights. They will put together a gear list as well as a menu (with recipes) and a duty roster to share all work. Emphasis will be placed on traveling as lightly as possible and minimum impact on the environment (Leave No Trace). Boys that have no completed the required multi-night hikes and camp outs can do so as part of their own Troop.
9/8/2013: Talk on Lightweight Backpacking at Power Horn 2013 in New London, North Carolina, co-sponsored by the Central North Carolina Council and the Mecklanburg Council. Powder Horn is for all youth and adult leaders interested in developing a high-adventure program within their home units and provides an introduction to the resources necessary to successfully offer a variety of high adventure experiences to older Boy Scouts and Venturers.
10/12/2013: Gear Demo and Talk about Lightweight Backpacking Skills at Introduction to Outdoor Leadership Skills (IOLS) at Charles T. Hagan Sea Base in Lexington, North Carolina, sponsored by the Old North State Council. IOLS is required for all boy scout leaders on order to achieve the status of a Trained Leader.
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