Carl Rush to Speak at ALDHA

Carl Rush
Gossamer Gear Trail Ambassador Carl Rush will be giving a talk titled "Ultralight But Comfortable" at this year's ALDHA (Appalachian Long Distance Hikers Association) Annual Gathering this year. Carl will also have some Gossamer Gear backpacks on hand for people who want to try out what an ultralight backpack feels like if you've never tried one.
"It's possible to carry an ultralight backpack," says Carl, "and still stay comfortable, while still bringing a few luxury items that you enjoy using on a backpacking trip." For example, Gossamer Gear's Mariposa backpack (69L) provides plenty of capacity, is made with ultra-durable Dyneema fabric, and at 24 ounces, can help offset the weight you carry if your current backpack weighs 4 or more pounds today
This years ALDHA gathering is being held at Shippensburg University in Shippensburg PA on Oct.11th though the 14th. There will be seminars, workshops, and slideshows for hikers new to backpacking or who are planning a thru-hike.
In addition, there will be a contra dance, which Carl says is his favorite part of the event.
Carl has thru-hiked the Appalachian Trail and many smaller trails. He is an accredited group leader with Appalachian Mountain Club and is certified in wilderness first aid. He got into ultra-lightweight backpacking after breaking a vertebra while climbing and uses the Gossamer Gear G4 backpack.
Update: Event expired