Meet The Growing Community of Ultralight Hiking in Japan – 成長し続ける日本のウルトラライト・ハイキングのコミュニティ。
Our hiker community here in the United States may be surprised to hear that Gossamer Gear has, in fact, been selling gear in Japan for the past decade. This is through our partnership with Mr. Ultralight Japan—also known as Tomo—owner of the Hiker’s Depot in Mitaka-shi, Tokyo, which stocks Gossamer Gear for local sale. This past fall, Gossamer Gear’s founder, Glen Van Peski, and president, Grant Sible, headed over to Japan to talk more about ultralight hiking in Japan with a growing group of local outdoor enthusiasts.
アメリカのハイカー・コミュニティからすると驚きかもしれないが、実は日本でも10年前からゴッサマーギアの商品が販売されている。「日本のミスター・ウルトラライト」と呼ばれるTomo(土屋智哉さん)がオーナーの、東京は三鷹のアウトドアショップ「Hiker’s Depot(ハイカーズ・デポ)」で、ゴッサマーギアの商品が展開されており、日本のハイカーたちの手元に届けられているのだ。2019年秋、ゴッサマーギアの創始者グレン・ヴァンペスキと社長グラント・サイブルは日本を訪れ、増え続ける地元のアウトドア好きの仲間たちと、日本のウルトラライト・ハイキングについて語り合ってきた。

Gossamer Gear Joins a Community of Local Hikers to Talk Ultralight Hiking in Japan
Gossamer Gear’s trip to Japan began by traveling to Fukui to join a three-day ultralight hiking event there organized by Misato Amaya, founder of Satoyama WORKS. That Friday evening, about 40 people gathered in a traditional event space and enjoyed dinner provided by one of the local hikers.
“While we’ve shared our gear before in Tokyo, this was a great chance to show it in a new area of Japan and broaden our audience with the hiking community there,” Grant commented.
The itinerary for Friday evening included a gear presentation by Grant, showing off some of Gossamer Gear’s upcoming daypacks, such as the Vagabond Collection. Next, Tomo and fellow Japanese hiker, Loon, who has completed the Appalachian Trail, one of the Triple Crown trails of long distance hiking, gave a presentation on what thru-hiking in the United States looks like and how to navigate that world.
While Grant and Glen headed back to their hotel after the event, several hikers stayed and slept at the event center, bringing out the sake and talking late into the night.

金曜日夜のイベントでは、グラントによるギア紹介や、新商品の(日本では2020年1月発売)デイ・パック「ヴァガボンド シリーズ」等のお披露目も。さらにはHiker’s Depotの土屋さんと、その仲間であり、アメリカの三大トレイルのうちの一つ、アパラチアン・トレイルをスルーハイクした勝俣隆さんによる、アメリカのロング・ディスタンス・ハイキングの雰囲気や、その歩き方についてのプレゼンテーションが行われた。

Hitting the Trail with the Ultralight Hiking Community in Japan
“Saturday morning there was a hike up a local mountain, attended by some of the people from the night before,” Glen described. “We hiked up to the top, and then it started raining for the hike back down. After the hike, we had some down time, then we went over to a city park that evening that the group had convinced the city to let us sleep in.”
In this park, Glen gave a short “What’s in My Pack” demo and set up his shelter before the group prepared an amazing dinner, complete with post-dinner sake, of course. One of the attendees put up a sauna tent, essentially a wood stove inside of a shelter. Those not in the sauna tent had a little hibachi-style campfire to cluster around.
On the foggy Sunday morning that followed, Glen did a demo of his Esbit cooking system before everyone packed and cleaned up, visited a local temple, and then caught the train back to Tokyo. In Tokyo, he had the opportunity to interview with Trails Magazine and then join their team for a party in their workspace, the “Innovation Garage.”


Joining the Growing Movement of Ultralight Hiking in Japan
Events like these create a certain magic. While people may live all around the world in different environments and cultures, a shared love of the outdoors sure helps the world feel a little smaller. Gossamer Gear will be heading to Japan again in the spring to continue being a part of this ultralight hiking community in Japan. We’ll be hosting a similar event near the Michinoku Coastal Trail Visitor Center, Japan’s new long-distance hiking trail.
In the coming months, we’re also planning to increase our international direct-to-consumer sales, launching new Gossamer Gear websites in different languages. Our headquarters in Austin, Texas may be over 6,660 miles away from the event Grant and Glen joined in Fukui, Japan, but we know folks who have clocked more miles on foot than that. Being a part of this international ultralight hiking movement shows just how connected our interpersonal trails systems really are.
